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Public Appearances >> Events >> Events 2015 >> Pantene Revolution Launch In Sao Paulo, Brazil, January 13, 2015
Gisele Bündchen is known all over the planet and is the beauty of Brazilian women. But what does the top think of this title? Gi, always causing the biggest stir wherever he goes, replied without much thought. “I am honored to represent the Brazilian woman. Always raise the flag of Brazil outside. I’m honored. The Brazilian is strong, warrior, and not lose femininity and sensuality,” said the model, who attended on the night of Tuesday, 13, an event organized by Pantene, in São Paulo.
Along with other beauties and brand ambassadors, as the actress and singer Ana Brenda, Mexico, and actress Stephanie Cayo, Peru, the top showed his body perfect. Wearing a dress strapless gold and full of rocks, Gi pointed out that the woman’s beauty is inside out. “I’ve seen so many beautiful women in these 20 years of my career. When the person is well, happy and complete, it shines. Not be tall, slim, chubby, brunette or blonde. When one is well and healthy, she radiates” said the model.
A question was unanimous among the audience of the event. What are the beauty secrets of the trio? Lively, Gisele shot: “….. I’ll be the first to answer because I am the oldest discovered that I am the oldest of the three But okay I’m enjoying this thing of aging It is better life,” she said with a laugh.
Benjamin’s mother and Vivian Lake revealed what do day to day to win a sequinho body, skin and incredible hair strong. “I started to practice yoga and meditate for over 10 years. I became aware that my body is my temple. I meditate daily, I exercise and I eat well. I hope I get to 40, 50, 90 so happy,” said the top, 34 years of age.
During the conversation, the model of dress liner just showing up, giving the impression that the top highest paid in the world was using a modeling underwear. Who also participated in the meeting was the actress and model Karina Bacchi, which exaggerated the tan and drew attention with ‘shrimp skin ‘.