GISELE BÜNDCHEN has been named Forbes’ top-earning model eight years in a row. The Brazilian beauty was discovered at age 14 by an Elite Modeling agent at a São Paulo McDonald’s. She moved to New York in 1997 and landed her first Vogue cover in 1999. A year later, Bündchen joined Victoria’s Secret as one of its Angels. She topped Forbes’ list of highest-earning supermodels for the first time in 2004. In addition to modeling, Bündchen has appeared onscreen in The Devil Wears Prada and has her own line of flip-flops and lingerie.

Gisele Bundchen is one of the muses of Mario Testino’s gone but before the opening of the exhibition of it in MAB-FAAP today (28/08) evening. As we already told you, the model was in Brazil to promote her line of lingerie , Gisele Bündchen Intimates . But übermodel made sure to include a VIP visit the expose on his agenda: she strolled around with the art director Giovanni Bianco honoring the work of photographer – amigo. Incidentally, that is with Bianco Gisele is organizing the photo book that will celebrate its 20 year career, by Taschen!

By calculations, based on the traditional list of the magazine ‘ Forbes ‘, the top doesn’t leave the House for less than $ 128 thousand per day of work. Meet some of the current contracts of Gisele and know how much she earns for each job.
For eight consecutive years, Gisele Bundchen is the highest-paid model in the world, according to the traditional list of Forbesmagazine. According to the publication, the top Brazilian profited more than $ 47 million in 12 months.
By calculations, Gisele haven’t left the House for less than $ 128 thousand per day of work, but definitely the high price compensates for the marks, as she is known as the Queen of worldwide marketing. At the time it was poster girl for the network of fast fashion C & A, for example, sales came to increase 20%. Your family and mother image and protective of the environment handle sales of any product.
Married to one of the world’s most powerful athletes, the football player Tom Brady, Gisele is the mother of two children and usually show to the press his side more Baby Mama. Benjamin has 4 years, and Vivian Lake will complete 2:0 pm Dec.
Next, learn what are the most profitable work of Gisele Bundchen:
The millionaire contract with the Swedish fast fashion network was the first signed after birth to Vivian Lake, youngest daughter of Brazilian model. According to Forbes, the fee for each ad campaign would be $ 5 million.
New star and poster girl of one of the best-selling perfumes in the world, the Chanel No. 5, Gisele would have received the fee of $ 8 million. The contract with the French label still ensures all travel costs for the dissemination of the product worldwide.
Carolina Herrera:
Gisele is also the poster girl of another perfume, the 212 VIP Rosé. The fee for the advertising campaign was not disclosed in the press, but it is speculated that it was $ 5 million.
Partnership with Grendene:
Unlike the most famous that launches a partnership with the brand of shoes, Gisele not only wins the fee by the campaign, as an aid in the creative process of all products and still takes a portion of the profits. The lucrative partnership since 2002, and made the Ipanema became the world’s best-selling sandal. In European e-commerce sites, it is possible to find Sandals for up to 40 euros.
Procter & Gamble:
Until the beginning of this year, Gisele earned more than $ 4 million a year to promote Pantene products and Oral-B in Brazil. In 2014, the contract with the company was renovated and expanded to markets of Latin America and United States. The value in the new salary was not disclosed.
Path to GALLERY:
Public Appearances >> Shows >> Mais Você, August 25, 2014
Part of the INTERVIEW:
Beauty, warmth and grace! At breakfast with Ana Maria, Gisele Bundchen proved that, besides being the most important model of the world, also focuses on simplicity in their daily lives. Celebrating 20 years of career, the über model heard praise from beginners models, an agency in Sao Paulo, and flattered, confessed: “I’m Fueled dreams is very beautiful to see people admiring my work.” She also revealed her motto: “Be the change you want to see in the world”.
Gisele recalled that since the time of the school felt the need to learn something else. “I have always sought a spirituality. Started studying astrology and numerology to 14 years and found many answers. Then I started doing yoga and meditating, I found a lot in me,” she said.
Delighted with the way Gisele walks the catwalk, Ana Maria received a “tuition” at Casa de Cristal. The top revealed that it is still nervous before going on the catwalk: “I make the sign of the cross, I light, I see a lot of protection Only a light at the end I do not see anything in front of me…”
Can you believe Gisele suffered bullying as a child and was called by fellow giraffe? But the blonde took a lesson from it: “I think it made me want to be stronger and prove that I was not that,” she said.
Of all the qualities of Gisele, one is his trademark hair. As everyone dreams of having the same model to the wire, she revealed the secret: the three ampoules of Pantene which does not give up. “I spend all day because my hair is literally ‘used’. Bulb Restoration, repairing the damage when the hair is well resected because of dryer, flat iron and sun. A Hydro-cauterization, which hydrates and seals the cuticle at the time equal to the salon treatment. E ampoule BB Cream, the staff already know the benefit to the face, but it is also a success for the hair. As time goes by and the wires are losing their youth. With BB Cream you retrieve the signs. A maximum! I’m loving it!”
Now you no longer have to trim the ends. To see the result, just use the bulb once a week for three minutinhos and ready! The vials are concentrated and have potent repair.
source | translated by Google.

The Hurricane Gisele already has a date to return to Brazil. Next Tuesday (August 26), the top launches in São Paulo Collection Summer 2015 from her lingerie line, Gisele Bündchen Intimates (GBI). The event is scheduled for at 20h at the Hotel Tivoli. The FFW, of course, will be there to record everything about the release – follow firsthand by Instagram (ffw).
+ With throngs of fans, Gisele launches lingerie collection in NK Store
It is expected that the passage of Gisele here cause the same uproar caused in the last launch of GBI last December, when a mob of photographers, journalists, groupies and curious squeezed in NK Store just to photograph and get close to her. This is Gisele effect.
My Uncle Milton and my dear friend Charlene’s mom lost their fight to ALS (http://www.alsa.org/about-als/what-is-als.html). In their honor and all of the families that are affected by ALS, I’m donating money and also accepting the ice bucket challenge. I am challenging Anna Wintour , @MarioTestino and @Shakira. #IceBucketChallenge
Meu tio Milton e a mãe da minha querida amiga Charlene perderam a luta contra a ELA (esclerose lateral amiotrófica http://www.abrela.org.br/default.php?p=texto.php&c=ela). Em homenagem a eles e a todas as famílias que passam por essa doença, estou doando dinheiro e também aceitando o desafio do “balde de gelo”. Desafio Anna Wintour, @MarioTestino e @Shakira a participarem. #desafiodogeloela

Year after year since 2002, Gisele Bundchen has made more money than any other model in the world. At 34, she is still sitting pretty at the top of the world’s highest-paid models list, pulling in an estimated $47 million before taxes and fees in the last 12 months.
The Brazilian bombshell out-earned second place beauties Doutzen Kroes and Adriana Lima by $39 million – Bundchen also made about $16 million more than quarterback husband Tom Brady’s $31.3 million annual paycheck. Along with lucrative contracts for H&M , Chanel , and Carolina Herrera, the catwalk icon gets a cut of sales from jelly sandals she designs for shoemaker Grendene. The face of Pantene hair products and Oral-B in Brazil, Bundchen’s line of Hope lingerie – Gisele Bundchen Intimates — also plumps up her paycheck, which has increased $5 million from 2013.
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