Gisele Bundchen can finally return to Brazilian catwalks. It is rumored that that the top is preparing to attend the next SPFW, again at the invitation of Colcci, which was brand poster girl for six years. The Colcci , in turn, confirms not – but does not dispute – information. With the 2014 summer campaign photographed recently, says the brand has not yet mounted the casting for the show of their winter collection 2014 which takes place between October 28 and November 1.
According to information Matheus Evangelista to SiteRG , Gisele was already being tipped to return this since 2013 but the pregnancy of her second child made the brand postpone the return. On occasion, the South African model Candice Swanepoel took over the post – she photographed campaigns and even participated in parades in Sao Paulo, all because Alessandra Ambrosio also went through a second pregnancy, and was removed from the catwalks.
Information and internal conversations within the group itself AMC Textile, which the Colcci part, has confirmed the rumors. Let’s wait for more!